On the Strength ReductiOn Factor in Plastic Design of Steel Structures 关于钢结构塑性设计的强度折减系数
Through study of the system of semeiology, the paper is mainly focused on how to use the principles of semeiology in plastic design of industrial products. 通过符号学体系的研究来探讨在现代工业产品造型设计中如何运用符号学原理开展设计。
Code for architectural design of petrochemical production Study of Semeiology in Plastic Design of Industrial Products 石油化工企业生产建筑设计规范工业产品造型设计中的符号学研究
Study of Semeiology in Plastic Design of Industrial Products 工业产品造型设计中的符号学研究
Ultimate Equivalent Load Balance Method for Plastic Design of PC Continuous Beams ( Slabs) with Unbonded Tendons 无粘结PC连续梁(板)塑性设计的极限等效荷载平衡法
Autostress Design Method in Plastic Design of Steel Bridges 钢桥塑性设计中的自应力设计法
Based on the theory of structure mechanics and reinforced concrete plastic design, this article establishes the relation between moment modification factor and section corner. It affords the accordance for the plastic design of reinforced concrete hyper static structure. 以结构力学和钢筋混凝土塑性设计的原理为基础,推导了弯矩调幅系数β与截面所需转角值的关系,为钢筋混凝土超静定结构的塑性设计提供了依据。
Plastic design of steel structure and strain hardening performance of steel 钢结构塑性设计与钢材的应变硬化性能
Plastic design method study of two-span continuous beam ( slab) of non-bonding prestressed concrete 无粘结预应力混凝土两跨连续梁(板)塑性设计方法研究
Finally, based on the elasto-plasticity theory, plastic design and analysis for metal hub of flywheel was performed. 最后,利用弹塑性理论,对飞轮转子的金属轮毂进行弹塑性设计与分析。
The characteristics, application and development of the buildings with light-weight steel structures in our country are introduced. From the selection of column grid, using tapered member, plastic design and other aspects practical technical measures are presented for optimal design of steel portal frame. 介绍了国内轻钢结构建筑的特点及应用发展,从合理选择柱网尺寸,采用变截面构件或塑性设计等,对门式刚架轻型结构的优化设计提出了技术措施。
The Elastic-plastic Design Method of the Complex Material Grids 复合材料组合网架弹塑性设计方法
This paper summarizes the characteristics of the development of new automobile products in China, the related concepts in automobile plastic design and the important technology applied to typical design. 综述了我国汽车新产品开发的特点、汽车造型设计的相关理念以及典型设计过程中采用的重要技术。
Through the discussion, the paper illustrates the important meaning and general way to popularize the plastic design method and its application. 本文通过论述揭示了塑性设计方法的重要价值和推广应用的基本途径。
The development of new automobile products is the core and difficult point of automobile industry and the important link in strengthening the market competitiveness of enterprises, while the automobile plastic design in new product development is the bottleneck among the difficulties. 汽车的新产品开发是汽车工业的核心和难点,是增强企业市场竞争力的重要环节,而新产品开发中的汽车造型设计更是难点中的难点。
A study is provided here for the application of plastic design to the industry building frame with medium or light crane loading. 本研究为在中、轻级工作制的吊车厂房刚架结构中应用塑性设计,提供了研究成果。
Through contrasting the tolerance stress design method, the load factor design method and the autostress design method, this paper discusses the characteristics of the plastic design method and applications of these characteristics. 本文通过对比容许应力设计法,荷载系数设计法及自应力设计法,探讨了塑性设计方法的特点及其特点的工程应用。
In this paper, three two-span continuous concrete slabs with cold rolled and twisted rein-forcetment have been tested to study the plastic design method. 为了研究配冷轧扭钢筋现浇连续板考虑塑性内力重分布的设计计算方法,本文进行了三个两跨连续板的试验研究。
This article summarizes the status quo of plastic design and surface quality of crawler type bulldozer. 综述了履带式推土机在外观造型设计、表面质量方面的水平现状。
This article briefs on the principle of plastic design. 本文扼要介绍了极限设计的原理。
The capability of tatol section rotation and plastic section rotation for bending members with rectangular section is analysed in order to offer reference information for plastic design of reinforced concrete structure. 对矩形截面受弯构件截面总转动能力和塑性转动能力进行详细分析,为钢筋混凝土结构塑性设计提供参考资料。
The plastic design concept and application in steel structure 钢结构中的塑性设计概念及其应用
With the comparison and discussion, some problems that need further research in Chinese plastic design method of portal frames with constant section members are suggested. 通过比较和分析,对今后我国等截面门式刚架塑性设计方面进一步研究和发展提出了建议。
Analysis of plastic design for reinforced concrete bending members 钢筋混凝土受弯构件的塑性设计分析
Plastic design of continuous composite slabs 连续组合板的塑性设计
Limit Analysis and Optimum Plastic Design of Rigid Frames 平面刚架的极限分析和塑性优化设计
A lot of scholars have made researches on plastic design of concrete continuous beams and slabs, and the moment modification coefficient has been listed in table. 众多学者对钢筋混凝土连续梁板的塑性设计进行了系统研究,其弯矩调幅系数有表可查。
The results provide basis for plastic design of RPC continuous beam. 为活性粉末混凝土连续梁塑性设计提供了参考依据。
Making key parameters as independent variable, the calculation formulas of moment modification coefficient in continuous beams and continuous slabs are proposed. They provide references for plastic design of continuous beams and slabs. 以关键参数为自变量,建立了连续梁和连续板的弯矩调幅系数计算公式,为进行连续梁板的塑性设计提供了参考依据。